As a professional, whether you’re an engineer, accountant, lawyer or other professional in private practice, you’re at risk of being held personally liable if you perform work or provide advice that a client feels didn’t perform as promised. From libel and slander to misrepresentation to simple loss documentation or inaccurate advice, the risk of this type of lawsuit can imperil your reputation as well as your finances.

Protecting yourself professionally and personally

This type of claim of professional negligence can threaten not only the ability of your business to survive but also your personal financial life as well. Which is why we recommend errors and omissions insurance – also known as professional liability insurance – for protection against these types of damaging actions.

Even if the claims made against you aren’t found to be negligence, you can still face legal and other costs totaling thousands of dollars. The ability of this type of lawsuit to bankrupt a firm makes errors & omissions insurance a vital risk management tool for all professionals.

Expert advice is just a phone call away

Want to experience the iCare Service Advantage yourself? Let our errors & omissions insurance specialists help you with a complimentary review of your insurance needs by contacting us at or by calling us at 604-628-5177.



An errors and omissions insurance claim typically doesn’t require a guilty verdict by a judge or jury to come into effect. This can make dealing with this type of upset a little easier knowing that you’ve got protection in place as soon as formal allegations are filed.


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(Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm, Sat 9am-5pm)
at 604-628-5177

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One of our specialists will get back to you right away!